Design Development and Final Design


The following are hand-drawn sketches before the digitized final idea. There are not many sketches as I personally prefer to directly do digitally and experiments on the design because it provides me so many features, for example, undo, copy paste, rotate, etc, making it more convenient.

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The below flowchart depicts the structure and flow of the gameplay.



Story Board

The storyboard was illustrated in vector graphics however the final design will be a combination between 2D and 3D with most being the latter.



Final Design

The main reason of changing 2D to 3D is because the project will be using depth, it would be appropriate as 3D has 3 axis point which is X, Y, Z with Z being the depth whereas 2D being flat, only X and Y. This will be further explained in Section The 3D elements are created in low poly style to match the 2D elements in the project.

The gameplay starts with a launch scene where the participant needs to raise their hands up to activate the loading bar. Once it fills 100%, they will be taken to the menu scene which displays 4 choices of games: alphabet, color, math, and memory game. Originally, the total of 5 games was planned, but due to time constraint, the fifth game was discarded as it was not well polished.

The first option being the alphabet game is intended to help children in spelling, requiring them to arrange the alphabet according to the item shown: hat, candy, snake, crayon, and ice cream. The color game is to intro them in differentiating colors and train their reflex, in which they need to move and collect items according to the color commanded (red, orange, yellow, green, and blue. There are 6 Math questions in the Math game: 2 additions, 2 subtraction, 1 multiplication, and 1 division questions. This teaches them how to process numbers. The last game option being the memory game in which player needs to match the animal is behind the cards, enhancing their memory skill while also learning about animals. There will always be an instruction scene given before proceeding to each and every game.

After each game, a winning scene or game over scene will be shown. There will be a replay and back to menu buttons, giving the convenient for the player to try again or choose another game.

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